What to Wear for your Family Photo Session

You’ve booked your Family Photo Session. Now it’s time to plan what you are going to wear! Planning your outfits and looks will help eliminate stress, and create an enjoyable experience. Here are some basic styling tips to guarantee beautiful and timeless images.

*Plan Ahead*

Waiting until the last minute, especially with family photos, is a risk I donʼt recommend making. Do yourself, and your family, a favor and plan out everyoneʼs outfit ahead of time. This will give you a chance to make sure everything fits everyone (essential with growing kids!) and is comfortable. Keep in mind you may be posing in different positions so the outfits should be comfortable for sitting, squatting, etc. Donʼt forget to prep the clothes before the day of so theyʼre wrinkle and stain free. Photo day can be stressful so planning is key!

*Don’t overdo patterns!*

While patterns and prints can be fun, they can also be overwhelming if your entire family is dressed in competing patterns. Focus on solid colors for the majority of the outfits. Solid colors tend to photograph beautifully and donʼt take away from your beautiful family. To add some personality and dimension to everyoneʼs outfits, mix different textures together instead of using a variety of patterns. If you want to add patterns, just be sure itʼs done in moderation and not included in every family memberʼs outfit. Be sure to use the other outfits to complement the patterns, with solid colors. Another great look is dressing everyone in neutrals and adding one accent color.

*Start with One Outfit First*

Trying to style every family memberʼs outfit at the same time will lead to major overwhelm. Instead, start with one outfit and then another and another. Styling looks one at a time makes it easier to visualize how the looks will complement one another. (I recommend starting with mom!)

*Coordinate, Don’t Match*

Gone are the days of the entire family wearing the same exact outfit. Selecting outfits that coordinate, rather than matchy-matchy gives your family a complementary aesthetic thatʼs much more modern. It also allows each family member to be an individual and stand out.

*Keep it Simple*

Your outfits don’t need to be complicated. For the guys – nice jeans or slacks and a collared shirt work great. For the ladies – flowy dresses or skirts are a great option, or nice jeans or pants and a flowy top.

*Don’t be Afraid to use Color*

Dressing everyone in black or white may be easy but it isn’t the most pleasing look in front of the camera. A better idea is to pick a color theme. Think about the reason you scheduled the photo session. Holiday colors are great for images used in holiday cards. If you are planning to display the images in your home, think about your decor colors. The photo shoot location can also provide some inspiration for your outfits. Still stuck? Use a color generator to help create a pleasing color scheme. Also consider incorporating fabrics with moment, which looks great on camera.

*Include Shoes and Accessories*

Two areas that are often overlooked? Shoes and accessories! Remember to style complete head to toe outfits for every family member. After you have selected clothing, make sure to select shoes and accessories. Shoes are crucial for everyone, and an accessory or two ties the outfits together.

*Some Don’ts to Consider*

Don’t force an outfit on your family – especially the kids. Give them 2-3 options to choose from and let them have the final say. Doing so gives the wearer some control over their look. An unhappy family member makes for an unhappy photo session.

Don’t try something new on shoot day. New hairstyles, hair colors, makeup, clothing and shoes should get a trial run before shoot day arrives. If you are breaking in new shoes, do so before the big day. Make sure clothing is comfortable and you’ve removed any labels and tags. Stick with what makes you, well, you!

Don’t get a spray tan. I know this one is controversial. I generally don’t recommend self-tanners or spray tans for anyone, as they tend to make you look orange in images. If you or someone in your family insists on an artifical tan, do a trial run long before shoot day arrives and schedule the tan several days before the shoot. You’ll thank me later.

*Have Fun!*

Planning ahead will allow you to relax on shoot day. Everyone will know the plan and will be on the same page, so relax and have fun. And consider a fun family outing, meal or treat for after the photo shoot as a reward for a job well done!

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